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What's all this about Chyna signing on as WONDER WOMAN'

Hey folks, Harry here... I've been getting hammered with tons of email from WWF folks all over the web saying that about a half dozen WWF-themed sites are announcing that wrestling monster Chyna has signed on to play WONDER WOMAN.

The above picture is of an early concept pic that Alex Ross did up for his and Paul Dini's upcoming Christmas release period oversized book on WONDER WOMAN. Check out the others at AlexRossArt.Com, which is also the best location to buy me my birthday and Christmas presents... Hehehe... um... yah, riiiiiiiiiight. Anyway, that pic shoes ya exactly what WONDER WOMAN needs to be... A GODDESS! Now I know, while there are many GODDESS types in the world, very few that fit the Wonder Woman mold... Chyna falls into the AMAZON category... but can she act a lick?

As an instant message to the girls of the world should Wonder Woman be played by someone already having posed in PLAYBOY? Not that I feel there is a damned thing wrong with posing in PLAYBOY, and if that's the direction you want to go with WONDER WOMAN... An older crowd, then huzzah! However, my bottom dollar bet says Wonder Woman is a PG toy tie-in blitz to give Barbie a run for her money!

First off... finding a behemoth of a woman to play WONDER WOMAN is completely unnecessary. With today's technology, John Rhys Davies is being made a dwarf in LORD OF THE RINGS, I guarantee that the same technique can be used to make an unknown or known actress with ACTING ABILITY to shine as WONDER WOMAN!

If the rumors are complete BS... fine, just consider the advice I'm giving to be for whoever you may find. Find the ACTRESS first... It doesn't matter if she's four foot eleven... Hollywood made Alan Ladd tall... Hollywood can do anything! Hell, most people believe Michael Clarke Duncan is around 7 ft tall!

However, if this rumor is true... then I pray to god she can act! I pray she can tone down a bit, and pray she can be as tender on camera as she can be a warrior. But I'm banking that this rumor is exactly that... a rumor...

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