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New AI Image! Haley and Jude

Hey folks, Harry here. AI fascinates me, but also because so far... no released image or shot of an actor is something that I would call CLASSIC. Instead we are seeing fairly pedestrian personality shots. The color palatte of the 'robot center looking place' that our last photo was of... well that was just rather plain and uninteresting looking. I just came out of seeing RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK in 35mm super-widescreen glory at the Alamo Drafthouse and about 3 minutes in I was reminded again of what has been missing from Steven's most recent works... Shot selection, mood, atmosphere and visual inventiveness. Now sure, so far we just have that fantastic 'created' teaser trailer... and that's been the best thing about AI so far. But if they decide to do a second trailer that has images from the film itself (something I'm not advocating... I'm enjoying the tease personally) I just hope that we see something powerfully gripping visually. So far it hasn't been too arresting. They also just opened the OFFICIAL SITE, not much there, but it does seem to insinuate that there will be more soon. Here's the latest shot....


german online-magazin Spiegel Online today runs an interview with Jan Harlan - on Kubrick, on his documentary on Kubrick, an on AI - that includes an image from AI (maybe you know it already - it's with Osmond and Law, and it's attached...).

here'S the link: CLICK HERE

It's in German but its rather intresting.

hey, and have fun - love your site!

greetings from this side of the pond


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