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Ozymandias says Stallone is most definitely NOT going to be DR. WHO

Father Geek here, I asked our inside man from Ireland to look into this earlier today, and here's what he found out...

OK then kids.... An avalanche of mails in today to the Euro AICN Dublin office about who is or isn't involved in the long mooted Dr. Who movie. Some quoting Coming Attractions story about Sylvester Stallone, some on about a UK tabloid story this morning... The sweet and fragrant smelling (!) Empire Online have done some digging and:

Despite reports to the contrary, there is still no official word as to who will inhabit the TARDIS in the planned BBC film version of Doctor Who. The Mirror reported that Sean Bean would be playing the Timelord, with Tara Fitzgerald as his assistant, but a spokesperson for the BBC said "It's not true at all" and denied that ANY kind of casting deal had been made.

Empire Online was also told that the movie is "Still very much in the planning stage, and there isn't even a finished script yet". And the Mirror's claim that the film's budget was in the region of £250 million was also totally dismissed.

So no Sly then?? Ho hum..... Was quite looking forward to his pronunciation of "Gallifrey"

Oh and Empire Online also has a little bit about some late, late Harry Potter casting - seems as though Derek Jacobi will be selling wands in Diagon Alley! Full story at Their Site!

L8r, Ozymandias

Ain't It Cool News - Ireland/UK Office, Penthouse Suite, Ozymandias Towers, Dublin, Ireland.

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