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Confirmed news about Lucas' treatment of JAR JAR in Episode Two

Alright, the following rumor from The Bank... well it is confirmed. I've been hearing from many people inside the ranch compound that are very very tight with their information... similar things. From what I've heard, Lucas was quite shocked and surprised by the adult reaction to Jar Jar Binks. The toys sold well for kids, but he wasn't prepared for the vicious nature of the anti-Jar Jar folks. What I've heard prior to this confirmation (and this was from a couple of long term folks for AICN) was that Lucas has responded from his experience with episode one to do several things.

First up was to control rumors through precise and calculated information and mis-information... including false scripts and storyboards (I do not know for certain if this includes the ones that leaked thus far, but I do know if Lucas wanted us to believe that the leaked storyboards were real... slapping a Cease and Desist on the people that released them, would be a sure way to do it) Second, he has lessoned Jar Jar's part in the second film, made the character more serious and wizened in the years that have gone by... And last, from those that I've talked to that wouldn't give plot details, but an assessment of quality to what Lucas has churned out with this script. Well apparently it isn't good... but very very good. The fact that he brought in another writer apparently helped quite a bit, and on this film Lucas is more open to the opinions of those working on the film with him. Here's the latest...

A friend has been interviewing with Lucas Films and heard some vague info that I thought I would pass along. He was told that Lucas really took to heart a lot of the criticism about Jar-Jar and a very different and more serious slant to the character will emerge as the story continues. The kiddie merchandise sales were really good so he hasn't been totally changed, but hopefully will offend the fan boys a little less. And supposedly things will be revealed about another "major" character that are totally shocking. I know, slim info, but hopefully my friend gets the job and becomes privy to all things cool...

The Bank

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