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A Better Look At That HARRY POTTER Train

Hey folks, Harry here... Now as I've stated... I know next to nothing about HARRY POTTER... so I don't know the cosmic significance of this train... but I can say... I like the train design... it has a very 1930s-ish look to it... swept back... kinda reminds me of this cartoon of the FDR train that was going to take the country forward that I saw in an old cartoon from the time period... only it was blue. Here's HootDad with the scoop...


To all those in talkback who made comments like "yeah, it's a train", I found another, better pic. It's a much closer shot and really shows how custom and detailed it is. Personally, I think it's a good look - not like a train you'd see everyday but not too out of the ordinary looking (which, if you read the books, is exactly what it should be.)

I found the pic on this site:



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