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New HARRY POTTER Pic... Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid!

Hey folks, Harry here with another pic by way of a heads up from HootDad, only this time with a human bean with a ton of hair present at the trainyard. Now, as for my having not read word one on the world of Harry Potter... There are two different ways to approach an adapted film... you can read the source material and be biased by all the additional information that the books have bestowed upon you... OR... You can go into the film without a glimmer of an idea what lay there waiting for you. FOr me... I'm going to head into this one blind. Moriarty... he's read the book (at least I believe he has) and there are plenty of you folks out there that have read it as well. But me? I want to see if Columbus can inspire me to pick up the series... create a film so rich that I instantly feel the urge to delve into the entirety of Rowling's literary universe.


Maybe I should take up the mantle of Harry Potter source for you? Well, as you may or may not have read in talkback, I really suggest you read the books. Believe me, it will make you much more excited (or maybe skeptical of Columbus) about the movie. Anyway, here is a link to an article in Scotland on Sunday online, which includes a picture of Robbie Coltrane looking very much the part of Hagrid the giant.



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