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Movie News

Who's Sam Raimi talking to about Mary Jane and the Green Goblin'

Hey folks, Harry here and it looks like ol Nanobot 1138 is at it again with another fantastic job of spy hi-jinks. So... while you're waiting on that transcription of my Alex Ross interview and the rest of the pictures... Put your mind at rest that we here at geek headquarters are performing our best secret agent routine to bring you the latest. Nanobot 1138 has lasted far beyond his lithium battery should've allowed... but these Nanobots of mine seem to be able to adapt and anticipate... Damn fine products... Remind me to thank Father Geek for that blow torch and aluminum foil.... As for the news... I really like both names...

Nanobot 1138 reporting as ordered sir; end.

Location: Moved from beneath Scott Rosenberg's "L" key to the ";" key to avoid detection; end.

Date: August 30th, 2000; end.

Regarding: Latest progression in the pursuit of casting Mary Jane Watson and Norman Osborne aka Green Goblin; end.

Details to follow; end.

Details are: While monitoring the typing progression upon the latest draft of Scott Rosenberg's rewrite of SPIDER-MAN my aural enhancers detected a fibre optic communication regarding potential additional cast members for said picture; end.

More Details are: Furthermore, Nanobot 1138 was able to detect two points of immediate geek interest. According to unidentified voice on phone, the part of Mary Jane Watson has been offered to Kate Hudson. It was also made known that within the immediate time frame of human existence, film maestro Sam M Raimi will be meeting with John Gavin Malkovich for the role of Norman Osborne aka Green Goblin; end.

About the Details: It is Nanobot 1138's belief that this activity will mean that if these offers are accepted that fandom will be quite jubillant and will celebrate with nude dancing upon school buses; end.

Status of Nanobot 1138: Continuing to monitor each key pressed awaiting completion for immediate forwarding to Geek Headquarters. Will advise of further progressions as Nanobot 1138 becomes aware; end.

Nanobot 1138 out; end.

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