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BOND 20 Teaser Poster Online!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... ol Daniel at Blue Haze Movies apparently got a first look at the new James Bond teaser poster or promo ad.... So, even though I didn't care much for the last outing... I suppose I'm excited at the concept of a new Brosnan Bond. I just wish the Broccoli family wasn't in charge. That's all... I want an R rated Bond, directed by a real A-list director... and a full fledged tense taut spy film with T&A and B&G. Here's the image and the letter from our friend... Daniel...


Just thought you'd like to know, I received an e-mail from MGM this morning and attached was the James Bond Teaser Image for the 20th James Bond movie. The URL for the image is CLICK HERE FOR A SHARP IMAGE

The details on my site about it are: "E-mailed to Daniel Dykes this morning is the official James Bond teaser poster, and you can see it here first on Bond 20 @ Blue Haze Movies. It came from an MGM e-mail address and is to be considered the official teaser/trade ad poster for James Bond 20. Simply click on the image to view it! Confirming only the 2002 release date and that Brosnan is returning (already known) it bears a striking similarity to current official media related to the Box Set Video's and DVD's.Most exciting we now have a tag line, 20 Times More The Excitement!..."

If you put this up can you please link my site, Bond 20 @ Blue Haze Movies, WWW.Geocities.Com/BlueHazeMovies



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