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Movie News

Word about a NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS rerelease!

Hey folks, word has it that on October 27th of this year.... Disney is going to do a big rerelease of NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS... Why? Well because of it's popularity, because they plan on more merchandise and third... and most importantly as a free promotion for the retrofit of the Haunted House for the holidays with NIGHTMARE BEFORE XMAS themes and visions so that they have that whole corporate synergy thing going. My Reaction? I can't wait to buy the merchandise.... see the movie and fly to DisneyLand and check it out. Hmmm... guess they're evil corporate plan is going to at least get my money. Hmph... Oh.. the rerelease I'm hearing is going to be an under 1000 screen deal... possibly as low as 300.... we'll see. That's it...

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