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BossHog Calls In Some More MATRIX 2 News!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some rumblings from the Lab.

After yesterday's scoop from BossHog, I spent the afternoon making phone calls, trying to see if I'd been anywhere near the mark with our report on Niobe, Morpheus' ex-lover. Casting is definitely underway for the films, and yes, Jet Li is confirmed for the sequels. That was reported in many places about a month ago, and it's true. Right now, BossHog has a description of a few other new additions to the world the Wachowskis are building...

COMMANDER LOCK (spelling I'm not sure about) - they're looking for a leader, someone in his late 30's / early 40's. My source compared the character to Patrick Stewart's role in X-Men.

The casting office is also looking for an older French Man and someone to play a young, hot, and very sexy French Woman in her 20's. These two characters will be a couple.

Can I interrupt for a moment and suggest that whoever is casting this film... coughMaliFinncough... take a look at the exception GIRL ON THE BRIDGE, currently making the rounds in arthouses? Vanessa Paradis. Daniel Auteuil. In the world of THE MATRIX. Yes, please.

And finally, the casting office is also looking for someone to play an 18 year old male character that is just named KID.


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