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Major Possible MATRIX 2 Scoop!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some rumblings from the Lab.

Just got this letter in from a new source, and some facts about how this source knows what this source knows were offered up for verification. As I was double-checking what they said, I got the strangest sense of deja vu. The same song played twice on my WinAmp player, and a black cat crawled by on the ledge of the window, then crawled by again. With heavy Agent activity like that, seems like this guy could be for real. I'm taking a leap of faith here, and I think you'll enjoy what he has to say. Let's see how things pan out with our new friend BOSSHOG over the next few days.

Well, casting has began for some of the other roles in Matrix 2. Of course, there will be no script released anytime soon, but sides have begun to leak out.

Going through the notes being sent out to agencies, the first thing I noticed were some notes on one of the new leads in Matrix 2 and 3 as well as some info on the start dates.

NIOBE is the tough female captain of the fastest ship in the league. She is the ex-girlfriend/or wife (not sure) of Morpheus and is now dating the leader of ZION, so this creates some kind of drama. According to what I read, they are looking for someone "drop-dead gorgeous" but "tough" to play the "toughest chick there"

The film starts shooting in March 2001 in Australia - Los Angeles - and San Francisco, but training will begin approx. September 2000.


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