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From the lips of the Beard, Sam Mendes' followup project with Tom Hanks... ROAD TO PERDITION

Hey folks, Harry here... Seems that my Nanobot 552 has finally reported back in. Some of you might remember, that about a year ago I set loose an entire army of nanotechnology wetdreams upon the Los Angeles Airport... hoping to get attached to key areas of information.... So far, only the one that hopped ship to New Zealand has reported in, but... fear not... Nanobot 552 seems to have found his way into the receiver of the mighty Beard's phone in the Amblin Offices on the Universal lot... and Boy oh Boy... I'm glad to hear from him!

Nanobot 552 reporting as ordered sir; end.

Location: Interior Receiver Phone Desk THE BEARD; end.

Date: August 8th, 2000; end.

Regarding: Sam Mendes, Tom Hanks Project entitled THE ROAD TO PERDITION; end.

Details To Follow; end.

Details are: Recording analyzation reports that The Beard made several excited phonecalls to various living entities of withheld identities about follow-up project from Sam Mendes to star Tom Hanks; end.

More Details are: Tom Hanks will be portraying Michael O'Sullivan, a hitman; strike that; the hitman to be feared in the Capone world of Chicago. O'Sullivan is gangland Chicago's number one assassin. His 8 year old son witnesses a gangland execution and O'Sullivan must then deal with the ramifications. Think about it as a mafia crime film in the tradition of LONE WOLF AND CUB; end.

About the Details: Due to the various details that I am privvy to, this is based upon a comic book by multi-SHAMUS award winning author and comic book creator of MS TREE: Max Allan Collins. This is widely held to be one of Mr Collins' finest works, and with Tom Hanks playing the 'angel of death' as it were; and Sam Mendes directing from a screenplay by David Self; this looks to be something special; end.

Status of Nanobot 552: Continuing to listen to The Beard. Recommend follow up Nanobot missions to delve further into this project as its pedigree warrants further investigation; end.

Nanobot 552 out; end.

Enclosed One Quote from Max Allan Collins interview; end.

We also have a movie option on Road to Perdition, and, again, if that happens, perhaps we'll do a follow-up. (If you've read the novel, you'll wonder how a follow-up is possible... but, trust me, if I'm given the opportunity to do another story about those characters, I'll find a way.)

I have to admit I sort of considered Road to Perdition my comics swan song. To me, it was the best comic book story of my career -- it represented the best I had in me, in that form.

Enclosed One Picture; end.

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