Ain't It Cool News (

Robert Patrick Is Scully's New Partner!

Greetings, X-philes! ROBOGEEK here with a short and sweet tidbit while Harry and Jay are covering the San Diego Comic Con.

Numerous sharp-eyed AICN readers have deluged our collective mailboxes today with news gleaned from the Hollywood Reporter online, where it's been reported that Robert Patrick ("T2," "Cop Land," "The Faculty,") has been cast as Scully's new partner on "The X-Files" this coming season.

While part of me really wanted to see Carter & Co. draft Lance Henrickson's Frank Black character from "Millennium" into service (and another part of me really wanted to see Bruce Campbell), I personally respect this decision, as Patrick is an exceedingly underrated actor who deserves a chance to shine -- and who I think could be a very strong presence on the show, offering interesting new dynamics for Gillian Anderson to play off of. (And, yes, that gets the award for run-on sentence of the day, thank you.)

So with all due respect to those of you who might be angry that your personal favorite choice wasn't picked, let's give him a chance before passing judgment.


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