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UPDATED! Ridley Scott Doing T3'! Crazy'! Like A Fox, Maybe!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here. Well, in his developing quest to prove that he's more insane than Dutchman Paul Verhoeven, Ridley Scott may be signing on to direct that TERMINATOR sequel after all. This is according to Jeffrey Wells in his column today. He claims he's got a solid source on it. I've had my people working on this one, and I am totally skeptical of anyone who would willingly take on part three of someone else's franchise. It seems like a sucker's game, and I thought for sure it would be the JOAN OF ARC TV guy or someone like Tarsem or McG... some video dude. But Ridley Scott? Jesus... if it's true, that's two sequels... two part threes of other people's franchises... in a row. Strange career turn. Of course, he's got a kickass script for HANNIBAL now, and a great cast, so this one's probably going to work. And it would be pretty funny if Ridley made as good a sequel to Cameron's film as Cameron did to Ridley's. And then there's Joe Johnston, as someone points out in TALK BACK below, who just might make a good JURASSIC PARK III, so maybe not every part III is automatically to be dreaded when it changes hands. I can't say the odds are in Ridley's favor, especially working from a script that's been described to me as "funny in all the wrong ways," but let's keep our fingers crossed, eh? Hell... maybe he's campaigning for EPISODE III...

Oh, yeah... there's something about Harry in the column, too.

Hey, everyone. I'm back. This story's brought sources out of the woodwork, and one guy, a mysterious bloke known only as "AL," made a particularly compelling case for the source of his information, giving me a piece of the T3 puzzle that I hadn't heard before. I have got to verify this, so I'm putting out the call to anyone involved... if this is true, let us know, and fan interest will go FUCKING NUTS... guaranteed. The rumor is that the female Terminator that Arnold is fighting in the film is supposed to look exactly like Linda Hamilton. That sure made me sit up and take notice. Any thoughts? Anyone??

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