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Movie News

Pics come out of the woodwork for MONKEY BONE!!! Weird cool stuff!

Hey folks, Harry here. I am about 5 hours from heading to the airport and flying on out to San Diego and the Comic Con. BUT... Before I go, there is much to be done. Scoops to put up, stories to be told.... You know... the regular 'I have got to go' type of things. BUT FIRST... the dynamic duo of SPELL CHECKER and.... THE PROJECTIONIST decided to unfurl upon my digi-screen of pixels and light... some wonderful images from MONKEY BONE. Personally, I feel Fox really really should've placed the first teaser for this film with X-MEN, as the film is older (by a lot) than anything Henry Selick has done before.... in terms of the audience that it should work on... if it pulls the magic necessary off.

Well, gosh... let's see Rose McGowan in her feline waitress costume! I'm dying here! heheheh.... See y'all in San Diego!!!

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