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A whole bunch of official STAR WARS EPISODE 2 casting + a possible character design

Hey folks, Harry here. A whole ton of local Australian and New Zealand actors have been announced as being cast in STAR WARS EPISODE 2 by Robin Gurland over at STARWARS.COM!!! (click here to read their story with pictures) It's nice to see Lucas and crew once again make use of local talent in the areas that he is shooting. The parts consist of everything from a female Bounty Hunter to a high ranking Senate official to an indulgent senator to a mysterious young boy to a handmaiden to another handmaiden and so forth and so on. According to some rumors the 'mysterious boy' could be a certain badass that so many love. Check out the story and the pics and lets see what you folks think...

Then a certain spy claiming to be a part of things around the house of Lucas and such sent in the following sketch claiming that it was a concept sketch for one of the 'Cloning Operators'. True? or BS? I do not know. Without posting this one, I can't get it confirmed, as many of my spies within Lucas are don't call me, I'll call you types. So.. Put no faith in this till you hear more...

The Above Sketch is a FAKE! Wretchinald down in TALK BACK below gets the kudos for finding from whence it came. If you go to Messiah.Com and click on sketches, you will see it down there at the bottom of the sketches. It is a design sketch for a video game that you can find there. THAT IS ALL.... HARRY OUT.

And for the first talkbacker below asking about Lee, Byrne and Walken... None of the casting in Robin's posting was for main cast members, just extras and background characters and folks with very few lines. Lucasfilm is holding off on an announcement until they have a full cast to come out with, much like they did with EPISODE 1.

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