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Another DR WHO update from IronEagle

Hey folks, Harry here with the latest from inside the BEEB in London about what is going on with the DR WHO movie. Now... as I read this latest update, and the casting criteria for the good doctor... I began to ponder British Established Actors that could be conceived as having an amount of BOX OFFICE pull. Now... this is merely a bit of a curiousity for me, but what do you folks in Talk Back think of Kenneth Branagh? Personally, I like him... but is he too young? I don't know... I am not a devout follower of the DR WHO series/films... I've seen some of the Tom Baker Doctor... and the Peter Cushing films... but beyond that... it's an unknown. Personally, I'd love Derek Jacobi... but that's probably just me. Here's the Iron Eagle...

Hi Harry

IRON EAGLE once more

Just to tell you that Phillip Hinchcliffe and Russel Mulcahy WILL both be performing Producing and Directing duties on Dr Who:The Movie respectively. The News was confirmed by BBC Worldwide officials early Monday evening UK time, and a press conference will be called for in July sometime when the Actor who will be playing The Doctor has been announced. No doubt the rumourmongers will put their brains through the treadmill to guess who will be playing the good Doctor. So i will give those select few a head start by revealing the memo delivered to Hinchcliffe and Mulcahy concerning the actor to play the Doctor

1 MUST be British

Nothing exactly xenophobic on the Beebs behalf here. But they think that The Doctor is the best example of a British character appealing to an overseas audience. Better than Bond who from the word GO has endorsed American methods

2 MUST be established

So that, well obviously the actor has box office muscle. The Beeb coincidentally have ruled out Hugh Grant and Richard E Grant, who both played The Timelord in a children in need skit, because they fit the image of an "unreal" Doctor.

3 MUST have a wide range

The script apparently has been written by Russel T Davies and is being revised by Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, calls for a Doctor with a schizophrenic attitude to life. Like the Sixth Doctor[Colin Baker] he can be happy over something silly one minute and just as angry the next. The script will show a real characterization and a definitive portrait of The Doctor

Over the Terence Stamp affair, well it looks like established Actors like this, Brian Cox and Ian Holm WILL turn up. Albeit as members of the high council of Galifrey. As for the actor playing The Doctor, i wouldn’t rule out Paul McGann making a return

See ya


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