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Updated!!! Coen Bros' film after the one coming this year, UNTITLED BARBER MOVIE!!!

According to a source close to the Coens who contacted me today, it seems they are set to shoot this in Black & White. heh... That Rules.

Hey folks, Harry here... It's funny that I got this scoop about the UNTITLED BARBER MOVIE from the Coen Brothers, as... Well, I just talked to Tony Shalhoub about the film last Thursday night... but was in no shape to type about it... and was a little fuzzy for details. You see, Tony Shalhoub is in town playing an interesting character in Robert Rodriguez's SPY KIDS... and right after he finishes shooting that... he goes straight into this film for the Coens... and we all remember Shalhoub in BARTON FINK don't we? Tony went on and on about how much he loved the script... and how he was first approached about it years ago, but how he was very much looking forward to this. Though, Tony was a pro and didn't spill any details... all I can say... is when you read the run down of elements in the Film Noir/Barber film... I think you'll agree.... WHY CAN'T THIS BE IN A THEATER NEAR ME NOW!!!!????

Hey Harry,

A while back I reported on "O Brother Where Art Though" and now I have news on the latest Coen Brothers' script "Untitled Barber Movie," which already has Billy Bob Thorton and Frances McDormand attached in the leads. I won't give away any pertinent plot details, but I will say the story is steeped in noir and reads like text-book Jim Thompson with a running voice-over straight outta Cain's "Double Indemnity." The script is set in 1949 and revolves around a "second chair" barber and his cheating wife. UFO's, Dry-cleaning, homosexuality, barbers, fast-talking lawyers and dim-witted detectives all figure prominently in the script. I don't see any reason why the Coen's can't make a very good film out of this material, but saying that, if I were an investor, I would not touch this script with a ten-foot pole. There are two kinds of people who will go see it: Coen diehards and 40s noir fiction fans. That should bring the box office total to about 5 million. But who cares??? Now, if we can just talk them into shooting the script in B&W, I could die with a smile on my face without feelin' like the good Lord gypped me...

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