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George Lucas calls in the cavalry'!'!' To help on EPISODE 2

First Walken... now this? What strange magic is at work? Could it be... do you cynics dare hope that perhaps problems are being addressed, that Lucas is willing to get help? Actually... believe it or not, Moriarty and I had heard about Jonathan Hales' involvement quite a ways back... but because on Episode One... we had heard of Darabont and Carrie Fisher's alleged signing... there was no need to mention it until George actually handed him the script to fix, doctor, enhance... make better.

Hi Harry.

You probably already read about this on or the official Star Wars site, but I personally think this is GREAT news:

(from the official site)

Jonathan Hales joins Episode II Development

April 13, 2000 -- Pre-production continues on Star Wars: Episode II, with the script nearing completion. George Lucas has written several drafts of the screenplay and set the stage for the action, events and characters to be seen in the movie. To refine the script into its final drafts, Lucas has enlisted the aid of screenwriter Jonathan Hales. Hales and Lucas have had an association through The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Hales wrote or co-wrote several episodes of the critically-acclaimed television series, including the feature-length Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Jackal, Young Indiana Jones and the Scandal of 1920, and Young Indiana Jones: Tales of Innocence (available on videocassette).

A quick look on the Internet Movie Database also shows us that Hales is responsible for co-writing Eye Of The Wolf (1995), Baree (1994), Loophole (1980) and The Mirror Crack'd (1980) -adapting an Agatha Christie novel.

Now, as to what this could mean for Episode 2........well, who knows? Don't forget that Lucas asked Carrie Fisher to 'look at' the script for The Phantom Menace, and she actually forgot to use the ol' red marker on every single scene Jar Jar Binks was in. What's George Lucas' definition of 'refining' a script? Will mr. Hales get any creative freedom? Who knows.

Nevertheless, I think George Lucas has just made another good move. The first one being the casting of Christopher Walken. Now, go for the hattrick mr. Lucas and cast us a good Anakin. May the force....ah, nevermind.



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