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Supercalifragilistic expialidociously talented boy is confirmed for A.I.

Hey folks, Harry here. Seems that them johnnys on the spots over at FilmForce, went and nabbed confirmation that Osment is definately 100% signed sealed and delivered for A.I.... forgive me if I don't put the possessery credit for Spielberg, it just feels odd doing that when the project was... more or less inherited. Of course, if he really did write the script 100% himself, then perhaps it is his now. No matter what, it won't be the film Kubrick would have made... for better or for worse. Personally... I can't wait to see what Steven has in store for us with this project. I don't expect the script for this one to turn up. But we'll see.


IGN FilmForce talked to Dreamworks this afternoon and they confirmed that Haley Joel Osment is definitely on board for Steven Spielberg's A.I. now. This morning there were reports that he was in talks, but apparently it is now a done deal. We have more details on the site.

If you decide to post this information, we'd appreciate any links you could provide. Thanks!

Scott Chitwood
IGN FilmForce Staff

And then there was this...

Dirtfish here,

There was a feature on breakfast television in the UK about Steven Spielberg's AI(Artificial Intelligence). The feature confirmed that Spielberg had taken over AI from the lengedary Stanley Kubrick and that Oscar nominee Jude Law has signed to take the lead role.

It went on to say that Haley Joel Osment star of The Sixth Sense is likely to join Speilberg and Law. The 11 year old Oscar nominee reportedly asked Julianne Moore to play his Mother in AI at the Oscars, unfortunately Moore is unavailable because of other projects.

I can't help feeling ambivalence about this project, I am glad that AI is going to be made but I just wish Stan could have made it himself.

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