Ain't It Cool News (

Paradise Found-The Isle of Bjork!

I have, for some time, sought the most perfect of places on this great earth from which to view the eerie and beautiful "very techno" surrealism that is the Northern Lights. At last, it seems that there is such a place...THE ISLE OF BJORK. According to a tidbit in Salon magazine,

"Being Björk has its perks. For one thing, you get your own private island. Iceland's prime minister, David Oddsson, has arranged for the singer to have exclusive use of Ellidaey Island "as a royalty payment" in recognition of all she's done for "the popularity of Iceland." What ever happened to a nice homey parade and keys to the city?

So when is she going to get an award in recognition of all she's done for the entire world? Anyway, as if that wasn't enough good Bjork news, I got this tidbit from the BjorkDirect mailing list:

All be sure to watch the 42nd Annual Grammy Awards on February 23rd. Bjork's All is Full of Love, directed by Chris Cunningham, has been nominated for a Grammy in the category of 'Best Short Form Music Video'! The other nominees are: "Everything Is Everything" by Lauryn Hill, "Freak On A Leash" by Korn, "Back At One" by Brian McKnight and "Unpretty" by TLC. Keep your fingers crossed!

Anyone who's seen these videos knows that the Bjork video just completely whips the ass of all of its competitors. GO BJORK!

Hasta el Grammy de Bjork,

-El Cosmico

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