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Ok folks, I'm sure everyone is wanting to know what I've seen thus far... Forget it, there is only one film that I have seen that the word, "GREAT" cries out to be associated with... That is GODS & MONSTERS.

Let me tell you a bit about my condition upon seeing this movie just a scant few moments ago. I was exhausted before seeing it, I had been out doing the SUNDANCE party thing, schmoozing, hiking up that mountain they call MAIN STREET wheezing and huffing and puffing like the tub of lard that I am. My back hurt, I had a headache, and I was thirsty.

The film was screening at 9:30 this morning, and it was the film I came here to see. Ever since those pics in ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's Special Independent Film Issue, I have been "Giddy" to see it. Bill Condon and his people had invited me to catch the screening this morning, and I had asked them to call my room to wake me, to knock on my door and demand I wake up. They were a bit startled at the enthusiasm I had about seeing this screening.

Sure enough the call came, and I actually woke up. (Miracle #1) Then I creaked around my room trying to find clothes that would look dashing for my panel later today. I forced myself to move, to find the theater, to get in line, etc etc etc...

Turns out the screen was directly out the window of my bedroom here. In fact I'm starring at it right now, and Bill Condon is still over there talking to excited people.

When I arrived, I found I was the first. So being the vintage "line person" that I am, I planted my well stuffed arse down to wait for this film. My throat parched, my head pounding, and I wanted to get to my seat.

The masses arrived and after awhile the Sundance People let us in. I saw Bill talking to someone else, so I just went inside, put my stuff down and grabbed the $45 (an exaggeration) Shotglass of Dr Pepper. I returned to my seat and awaited the film.

People kept wanting to move past me so I continually had to get up and accept, "I'm sorrry" "Oh please excuse me" "Don't mind me a bit" and so on. A friend of Bill's sees me and wants to sit next to me. (Hmmmmmm, never had this happen before) Bill came out and did a quick little intro.

GODS & MONSTERS begins...

As I type this review/experience let me say I'm still trembling. All the symptoms I had going in are gone. I feel alive and full of energy. Exhilarated. Completed. Stunned. I have not seen a film that hit me like this since Good Will Hunting and Titanic. How on earth can I say that?

As a young'un' my bedroom was filled with some 35,000 copies of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND. I read through them with a voracious appetite. I digested all I could find. I loved reading about Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Invisible Man and The Old Dark House. All of which was directed by a James Whale. I saw pictures of him directing KARLOFF, CLAUDE RAINS, ELSA LANCASTER, etc etc... I thought (and think) he is, was and always shall be cool.

When I got older, I bought copies of Bride of Frankenstein and Frankenstein on 16mm film (I desperately search for INVISIBLE MAN) and have watched them countless times.

I discovered this Whale fella had done a couple of other flicks (quite a few really) and of those I found the 1939 version of Man in the Iron Mask and Showboat. I loved both of them.

However, I never knew who James Whale was. Oh sure a book or two have been written, but well usually they are just so dry.

I now know who James Whale was, and I have an emotional attachment and view on his films that I have never had before. This is a direct reaction to the wonderful, GODS AND MONSTERS.

Around an hour ago I began crying in the theater, not for the characters, but because (like in Ed Wood) I was transported into a world where Karloff walks the Earth. And he quite literally comes to life in this film. You see there is a party in this film that... welll... Let's just say that if you love the IVANHOE era Elizabeth Taylor... ha ha... Well I made a complete ass of myself in the screening. IVANHOE ere Elizabeth Taylor shows up and... "MY GOD," I exclaimed. Tears began flowing, then Boris arrives, and Elsa, and my god I was filled with joy, I was seeing them again. Bogdonavich's Karloff walks through this film. I was shaking.

The above paragraph was the least of the film. The performances of IAN McKELLEN, LYNN REDGRAVE and quite honestly (and even though I tremble at the thought) BRENDAN FRASER are S-T-A-R-T-L-I-N-G!!!! This film is tremendous. You will not recognize Lynn Redgrave, her performance, body posturing, voice and essence are completely realized. I realized after about 20 minutes that it was her. And then there is McKellen... Remember Martin Landau in ED WOOD? Ian is that and oh so much more. Powerful. Martin had the benefit of the audience having emotional baggage for Bela. Here Ian gives life to a character I don't know. He breathes life and gives Whale a soul, so much so that right now, I'm crying as typing this. I have Whale in me. It is amazing, I feel this bond to him and his films. What a film!! Excuse me, I have to go get ready for my panel, but I had to write this and get it up as fast as possible. When you see a great film, you want to climb a mountain and shout it. Well I'm at 7000 feet or so... "GODS AND MONSTERS IS GREAT, GO SEE IT!!!!!"

Oh that reminds me, you can't. You see it hasn't been picked up yet. I tell you distributors. Get this movie. Release it about November 18 in exclusive engagements. Then around my birthday, December 11, let it go wider. Then when the film pics up noms for Golden Globes and Oscars, you'll have your money well secured. A tremendous film.

Oh yeah, Curtis Burwell (the Coen brother composer) did a FANTASTIC score. Very moving. Sheesh, I have to go.... SEE THIS MOVIE... DISTRIBUTE THIS MOVIE.... NOW!!!

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