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Info on WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS film adaptation

Hey folks... this is good news in my opinion, I haven't heard much of anything on this going forward... of course in my current confused state of going in and between servers, posting content twice so the new server will be updated and getting ready for the Austin Film Festival for tomorrow.... Sigh.... I feel a bit like my head has been cut off. I'll survive. But this is good news. Here ya go...

Got some scoop for ya. This hasn't been reported in the media anywhere that I'm aware of, even though is listing some of the information on the film remake of "Where the Red Fern Grows" (novel by Wilson Rawls). The big news is that Dave Matthews (yes, the musician) is going to be playing the role of Wil Colman, the father of the lead role's Billy Colman, being played by Joesph Ashton (from the previous films of the Little Rascals and The Education of Little Tree). The remake is being done by Lyman Dayton (director), who also did the original, and is being shot in the foothills of the Ozarks in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The mother will be played by Renee Faia (played Cher in the recent TV show And the Beat Goes On). Supporting actors are Ned Beatty and Dabney Coleman. Look for a Spring 2000 release.


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