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Movie News


Harry here, I was just woke up moments ago by Sir Etch-A-Sketch's frantic phone call to tell me that Paramount has decided to release their hold on C.S. Lewis' ungodly great series, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA. Today... This very second, noone in the world holds the rights to make the film other than the estate. However, by the end of the day we should have a new owner.

Sir Etch-A-Sketch tells me that one of his fellow executives at the Mousetrap that is Disney could be heard all about the place screaming into the phone that Disney HAD to acquire the rights to make this beloved work of fantasy. Perhaps the second most cherished work of fantasy ever created.

From the sound of him, DISNEY is going to be pursuing the rights today on the auction block quite agressively. The executive there was heard to say, "After this December, that film will make a fortune for us!" Anticipating the resulting flood of coin that New Line will bring in with FELLOWSHIP and that Warners will gather from HARRY POTTER? Very likely!

Sir Etch-A-Sketch said that in all 5 entities are registered for the Studio Deathmatch to acquire this treasure.

Personally, I would kill for DREAMWORKS to get the rights, give the project to the Brizzi Brothers, who recently defected from Disney Animation, and finance a series of the most amazing fantasy animated films ever made!

What do you think? If you could magically place this property in the hands of anyone in the world.... where would you place it? Should DISNEY win? Should Peter Jackson get to it? Is this something that Ron Howard should go after? Where do you see it fitting best?

Let's hope it finds a home that can lovingly bring it to life as we have dreamed it could...

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